Van Gogh Museum.
The life of Van Gogh. Video of pictures.
Welcome to my little English Corner! This blog is for you! Please, enjoy the games, songs, jokes... and do not forget to give me your opinion. Thank you!
Look at the funny links here!
Textos sobre Halloween en español.
All Hollows' Eve: Celtic origins.
All Hollows' Eve: At the Irish men & women house.
5º Trick o' Treat! Song. Hello, my friends!
4º Who took the candy? Song.
6º Five creepy spiders Songs.
3º Go away! Song.
2º Can you make...? Song.
One for you, one for me Song.
The skeleton dance Song.
Spooky Spooky Song.
Super Simple Songs.
There is a scary pumpkin.
How many fingers
Diviértete en la embrujada house durante Halloween :)
Halloween interactivo.
Tale: Room on the broom.
Tale: The Gruffalo.